Confidential advice from our specialist team. 

Get better access to toilets when out and about. 

For guidance, advice and signposting to services.

Training, symposiums, resources and more. 

Our mission

We’re working to improve awareness and find solutions to bladder and bowel problems across the nation.

What’s it all about?

Bladder and bowel problems are very common, but rarely talked about.

Regardless of cause, there are a wide range of treatments, products and management options that can help. That’s why we’re here.

National confidential helpline

Speak to specialist nurses and our continence product experts

Receive advice on bladder and bowel health issues, continence promotion and options for managing incontinence, as well as signposting to local services. 

When you need to go

Access to extra loos when you’re out and about

Do you sometimes need to access the toilet urgently? Our Just Can’t Wait card is recognised and supported by many retail and service organisations, giving you access to toilets not normally available to the general public.


See what our service users say:

Absolutely fantastic. Thank you so much. You won’t believe how much easier my life will be now.

There is an increasing need to rely on the goodwill of commercial outlets. Thanks for all you do, and looking forward to receiving our cards in due course.

All the info is very helpful, and when I saw the card I was thrilled. Thank you and your team for all the hard work you do.

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An graphic from Aquaflush to represent transanal irrigation with a photo of a women smiling with a quote next to her reading 'It's changed my life'
Constipation is common, but there are management options that can help. Here we take a look at how transanal irrigation […]
A stock image of a physiotherapist to represent a Guide to Rehabilitation after a Bladder or Bowel Injury
This article was written by medical negligence solicitors, Clarke Willmott. Associate Isabel Harper from Clarke Willmott’s serious injury and medical […]
A female medical professional holds a clip board and smiles at a female patient. The image represents the common questions and concerns regarding Bladder and Bowel Health Issues.
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