young teenage students sat on bench
This blog post has been written by Davina Richardson, Children’s Specialist Nurse at Bladder & Bowel […]
bladder and bowel uk team photo
Many parents and carers worry about toilet training their children. This can be so much more […]
toilets sign
Toilet training is an area of normal child development that causes anxiety for many families. However, […]
This post has been written by Davina Richardson, Children’s Specialist Nurse at Bladder & Bowel UK.  […]
It is important that those with continence (bladder and/or bowel) problems or those who care for […]
continence products
It is important if you need to use a continence pad for a bladder problem that […]
child and parents
This post has been written by Davina Richardson, Children’s Continence Nurse at Bladder & Bowel UK. […]
September is Urology Awareness Month and this week sees the start of Urology Week. The Bladder […]
water being poured into a small glass
Davina, Children’s Continence Nurse at Bladder & Bowel UK, gives advice on how to help children […]
product image for kidz scotland blog
The Bladder & Bowel UK team always look forward to attending Kidz to Adultz Scotland, as […]