We are thrilled to have supported ALTURiX with DreamDry®. Throughout the design process, we have assisted by proposing suggestions on the appearance and content of the app.
We provided much of the information for the frequently asked questions. Therefore we are delighted that there are links to Bladder & Bowel UK’s children and families information library and to our website.
What is Bedwetting?
Bedwetting, sometimes called nocturnal enuresis, or simply enuresis, affects approximately 20% of 5-year-olds and 10% of 7-year-olds. It is considered to be a medical problem once children have passed their fifth birthday.
It used to be thought that children would grow out of the problem. However, without treatment many children will continue to wet the bed into late childhood, or their teens. It can sometimes last into adulthood which demonstrates the importance of effective treatment and management.
‘Supporting ALTURiX in the creation of the DreamDry® app from concept to release has been a rewarding process. The app provides helpful information for children and families as well as recording children’s progress and use of any prescribed medication or alarms. A positive development is the means to support open communication between parents and healthcare professionals, fostering a collaborative approach to managing bedwetting.’ – Davina Richardson, RGN/RSCN, Children’s Specialist Nurse.
Why DreamDry®?
This app has reliable information that may be helpful when tackling bedwetting – but also allows parents, guardians, and caregivers to quickly log the child’s wet and dry nights.
Additionally, DreamDry® facilitates record keeping and enables the healthcare professional to see a record of how well the child is managing to adhere to treatment and its effects.
The digital platform means the family do not have to keep track of bits of paper and will have the information safely stored on their device when they speak to the healthcare professional.
There is also a function which allows the user to export the information to CSV or PDF.

‘‘We are thrilled to have recently launched DreamDry® and are extremely grateful to Bladder & Bowel UK for providing their absolutely essential support with input on research and information that fuelled the six-month development journey. Working together, we hope we have created an App which makes a meaningful impact in the lives of parents and children.’ – Team ALTURiX
Our involvement
DreamDry® was funded by ALTURiX, and developed with support from Bladder & Bowel UK, and ERIC, The Children’s Bowel & Bladder Charity and is a free App published on the Apple App Store, and Google Play.
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