Bladder problems are more common than many people think including night time bladder symptoms.

This can involve sleep disturbance because of an overwhelming urge to pass urine without an inability to continue sleeping until urine is passed.

If you think your bladder is affecting your sleep and daytime productivity then ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does your bladder wake you more than twice a night to pass urine?
  • Do you feel you have disturbed sleep every night due to your bladder?
  • Do you feel you wake up at night to pass excessive amounts of urine? Is this more than you pass during the day?
  • Do your night time bladder habits make you feel unable to concentrate during the day affecting social and work related activities?
  • Is your overall quality of life affected by your bladder waking you?

If you answer YES to any of the above questions would you be willing to participate in sharing your views and experiences regarding night time bladder problems to raise awareness and help improve care and treatment for others who have similar problems and symptoms.

If you are happy to discuss this further please contact the Bladder and Bowel UK team on 0161 214 4591 or via email at to discuss in confidence.

Download the ‘Night Time Bladder Problems Poster’ here.