Discussing Mitrofanoff Discussion About Supra Pubic Catheter Easy Read Bedwetting Healthy Bladder and Bowels – Fluid Advice Urinals on Prescription with Photos
Enuresis Update is a resource for clinicians who support children, young people and families who are affected by bedwetting. The update promotes excellence in practice by providing information about recently published research and the implications for practice. Latest professional news Read about the latest guidance, opportunities and news on our blog.
Bullying is usually described as being repeated behaviours that cause physical or emotional pain or distress. It can take many forms, including physical (pushing, shoving, hitting, kicking); it may be verbal, including persistent name-calling or extreme teasing; emotional, such as being repeatedly excluded from activities; it may be racist or sexist; or it may be […]
The information in this section includes videos from Bladder & Bowel UK as well as other information and links to other sites that you may find helpful. YouTube Videos Causes of Bedwetting Childhood Constipation and Soiling Service – Macrogol Laxative Elly’s Success How Does Your Bladder Work? An animated guide Interoception: The New Topic in […]
Bedwetting (Enuresis) Night time bladder issues often result in bedwetting in children and young people.  Bedwetting is recognised as a medical condition from the time a child is five years old and treatment is available. It is sometimes called enuresis or nocturnal enuresis. Your child’s health visitor, school nurse or GP will also be able […]
Click on the links below to see Bladder & Bowel UK’s easy read resources to help explain bladder or bowel conditions. Easy Read Bedwetting Easy Read Constipation
Our bladders rely on a good fluid intake to remain healthy. If children are not drinking well, they are more likely to become dehydrated, particularly if the weather is hot. This can impact children’s bladder health. Read on to find how to improve children’s bladder health during the summer holidays. Dehydration may cause headaches, light-hot […]
This blog was written by Davina Richardson, Children’s Specialist Nurse at Bladder & Bowel UK. 1. FABLE: Your child will tell you when they are ready to toilet train FACT: Some children will become increasingly aware of when they are doing a wee or a poo. At some point between the ages of two or […]
For World Continence Week, Davina Richardson, Children’s Specialist Nurse at Bladder & Bowel UK talks about the continence problems that children and young people can have. She also discusses where you can find advice and information to support them. World Continence Week 2020 It is estimated that over 20 million people in the UK have […]
Problems with bladder and bowel control are among the most common medical conditions that children and young people experience. They are thought to affect over 900,000 people aged between 5 and 19 years of age, although this is likely to be an underestimate. Due to embarrassment, stigma and the mistaken belief that they children will […]