This post has been written by Davina Richardson, Children’s Specialist Nurse at Bladder & Bowel UK about toileting troubles in teenagers. Many bodily functions are considered private and not for discussion. Top of the list of the ‘not to be talked’ about is toileting! Many people think that once a child has toilet trained their bladders […]
This post has been written by Davina Richardson, Children’s Specialist Nurse at Bladder & Bowel UK. Prevalence of continence problems Continence problems are considered to be one of the most prevalent healthcare issues in children and young people. Functional constipation affects 0.7-29.6% of children (Koppen et al 2014); faecal incontinence, which is often secondary to […]
This post has been written by Davina Richardson, Children’s Specialist Nurse at Bladder & Bowel UK for World Continence Week. Bladder and bowel problems among adults are not uncommon, affecting both males and females of all ages. Some common bladder problems may include bladder leakage (incontinence), bedwetting or difficulties emptying the bladder. Some common bowel […]
World Bedwetting Day with the theme ‘Time to Take Action’ takes place today on 29th May and is designed to raise awareness of bedwetting. This blog post will look at helping offer support for toilet training a child with a disability.  Toilet training is a challenge for many families and even more so if a […]
This blog post has been written by Davina Richardson, Children’s Specialist Nurse at Bladder & Bowel UK discussing raising awareness of teenagers struggling with bladder and bowel issues.   Bladder and bowel problems are common in people of all ages, but are rarely discussed. This increases embarrassment and anxiety and makes it more difficult for teenagers […]
The aim of the award is to recognise excellence in enuresis care. The winner will have the opportunity to showcase their work at our National Continence Symposium. If necessary, overnight accommodation and travel expenses will be provided for the individual presenting the winning entry. Have you, or your team, been innovative and made a difference […]
Campaigns that Bladder & Bowel UK are proud to support  Do you suffer from a bladder or pelvic condition? King’s College London are seeking to understand individual’s experiences living with these syndromes, and the impacts they have on a person’s wellbeing and quality of life. We are recruiting women over age 18 with a bladder […]
Davina, Children’s Continence Nurse at Bladder & Bowel UK, gives advice on how to help children to drink more water. Adequate fluid intake is important for maintaining health and well-being.  Most school age children should have about one and a half litres of water per day with half of this during the school day.  Children […]
This post has been written by Davina Richardson, Children’s Continence Nurse at Bladder & Bowel UK. The Daily Mail recently featured an article (‘The nine year olds who still need nappies’ June 29 2017) about the number of children with toileting problems who are wearing nappies when they start school and “…children as old as […]
Paediatric information library for professionals Below are a range of materials related to bladder and bowel health and issues in children, for reference and use by professionals. Our information library for children and families also contains useful information. Get the latest news in your inbox Get professional newsletter Assessments Enuresis Initial assessments (Level 1) Catheterisation skills […]