Promoting excellence in continence care through training
Bladder & Bowel UK’s training is designed for health and social care professionals who work within adult, children and young peoples services.
National symposiums
Lectures and workshops from experts in the continence field.
promoting continence course
For professionals working with adults.
Paediatric continence course
For professionals working with children.
Bespoke training
Our specialist team will design a course with your needs in mind.
I wanted to thank you again for the two days training. Words cannot express how valuable it was.
Why train with Bladder & Bowel UK?
Our training is delivered by clinical specialists who are highly knowledgeable and experienced. Training options cover a wide range of topics related to bladder and bowel care, supporting continuing professional development and NMC revalidation.
Where does training take place?
Bladder & Bowel UK training is offered nationally, as well as at our training venues are based in central Manchester and Salford. We also deliver all of our training courses online.

Promoting continence training
Designed to help healthcare professionals update their knowledge on continence assessment treatment and management.
What will I learn?
By the end of the session you should have a good understanding of the following aspects:
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Types and causes of bladder incontinence
- Assessment of bladder incontinence
- Treatment and Management options for Bladder Symptoms
The course will also give you the opportunity to discuss or raise questions on any aspects of urinary incontinence.
Who is the course for?
All registered nurses, healthcare support worker and care staff working in health and social care.
What will the course cover?
This course aims to provide a sound clinical and theoretical basis for continence care. Emphasis will be placed on assessment, provision and evaluation of continence care within a variety of healthcare settings. Successful completion of the course will enable practitioners to be a key resource in continence care.
The course provides the opportunity to:
- Gain further understanding of anatomy and physiology
- Increase knowledge and understanding of continence assessment
- Identify the main causes of urinary incontinence, and the impact on the – individuals
- Awareness of treatment and management options
- Increase knowledge on the aids and appliances that are used in the management of bladder incontinence
*All bookings are subject to Disabled Living’s terms and conditions and cancellation policies.
Paediatric continence training
Designed to provide the latest information to professionals working with children.
What will I learn?
This Paediatric Continence training helps professionals keep abreast of the latest developments relating to childhood bladder and bowel care (continence).
The training can also include the latest policy, procedures, best practice and statutory requirements for the care and support of children and young people (CYP) and their carers in all settings.
Who is the course for?
All registered nurses, healthcare support worker and care staff working in health and social care.
What will the course cover?
Bladder & Bowel UK offer tailor made training packages to meet both specific learning outcomes and needs of your group including healthcare, education and social care staff, as well as voluntary organisations and parent/carer groups.
We support training needs for all aspects of bladder and bowel health for children and young people including:
- Day time wetting
- Constipation
- Bedwetting
- Toilet training
- Additionally, interventions, equipment and products.
*All bookings are subject to Disabled Living’s terms and conditions and cancellation policies.
Specialist sessions from experts in the continence field.
Our continence symposiums offer the chance to update with the latest knowledge through lectures and workshops on a wide range of continence issues.
- Full paediatric and adult streams
- Supports CPD and NMC validation
- Learn about the latest products and equipment